Immerse Yourself in Music with the Manassas Chorale

Immerse Yourself in Music with the Manassas Chorale


Membership in the Manassas Chorale is open to high school and adult singers from the greater Manassas area.  The Chorale performs four concerts per season; auditions are held at the start of the rehearsal segment for each concert. Prospective singers are welcome to visit “open rehearsals” on the dates listed below, then schedule an audition with the Executive Director to sing for the Artistic Director and a second judge. Those who are invited to join the Chorale may then register, pay dues, and order performance attire.

The Chorale Ensemble is composed of approximately 30 Chorale members selected by the Artistic Director at the start of the Chorale season, partly based on their most recent audition results. Ensemble members have a higher score criteria and must demonstrate reliability and commitment to the Chorale, so members in their first year are rarely considered. Members can indicate their desire to be considered for the Ensemble on the audition form, or by notifying the Director.



  • Prospective members will meet with the Executive Director at the close of their first rehearsal for question/answer orientation and to schedule an audition.
  • Singers will be provided with music (sheet music and part track) by email.
  • Auditions will take place after Chorale rehearsal, managed by the Vice President. Singers should have two copies of the audition form and a copy of the music.

Singers will re-audition every two years after joining or at the discretion of the Artistic Director to maintain the vocal quality of the group. Auditions will be offered after every segment for those at the two-year deadline; singers will receive notification that they are due to re-audition. The Executive Director is in charge of audition sign-ups. Singers will usually audition on a piece of music performed at their last concert.

Auditon Criteria

  • For all auditions, new and returning, singers will be rated by a two-judge panel, one of whom is the Artistic Director, on the following criteria.
    • Scoring on prepared piece
      • Tonal accuracy
      • Rhythmic accuracy
      • Phrasing
      • Dynamics/Interpretation/Style/Mood
      • Diction
    • Sight singing
    • Ear training
    • Vocal range

Auditon Results

  • Judges will score the audition and provide comments. The average of the judges’ scores will be the singer’s audition score.
  • The Director will determine the minimum score for acceptance into Chorale membership. The Director has the discretion to deny membership to a singer even if they have a passing score.
  • The Director will notify each singer of the results of their audition.
  • If a singer fails the audition, he/she will be eligible to audition again in a year. If a singer’s annual membership extends past the time of the unsuccessful audition, he/she will be entitled to a pro rata refund of their membership dues.


  • For the 2024-2025 season, we will have open rehearsals on the following dates:
    • Fall Segment: Aug 27 and Sep 3, 2024
    • Winter Segment: Oct 15 and 22, 2024
    • Voices United Segment: Jan 7 and 14, 2025
    • Spring Segment: Mar 18 and 25, 2025

    To arrange an audition, please attend a rehearsal during one of the dates above, or contact the Director, Becky Verner.


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